04 Jan Signs of Breast Cancer Before Diagnosis
In 2019 alone, it is estimated that over 270,000 women and men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, while more than 60,000 will be diagnosed with in situ breast cancer.
If medical professionals discover your cancer in Stage 1, your chances of survival are much higher than if the cancer has begun to spread throughout your body. This condition is referred to as Stage 4 and the chances of survival are often very low.
These reasons alone are why it is crucial to recognize the signs of breast cancer at an early stage. Fortunately, there are signs and symptoms you can watch for. If you show any of the following signs and symptoms, schedule an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible.
Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Both men and women can contract breast cancer. Either may observe the below symptoms.
A lump- If you feel a hard lump in your breast, it may be a tumor and should be examined by a medical professional.
Swelling- Your breasts may be enlarged and sensitive to the touch.
Nipple Inversion- The nipple turns inward or seems to collapse.
Redness- The breast appears to be inexplicably red.
Texture changes– A change in your skin’s texture, such as scaly or thickened skin around the nipple and areola may be a sign of breast cancer.
Localized pain- Soreness in the breast or nipple area may be a sign of cancer.
Dimpling- A sudden appearance of dimples or dents in your breast, leaving the skin to look pitted.
Discharges- Discharges or unexplained bleeding from your nipple.
Itchy Nipple- An irritated or itchy nipple.
Swollen Lymph Nodes- Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit area.
You can perform a breast self-examination (BSE) at home. For women, it’s best to perform the BSE at the end of your monthly period. With a BSE you’ll check for visible symptoms as outlined above and also feel your breasts, looking for lumps. Do not perform your BSE in the shower or with lotion as you’ll be less likely to notice any lumps or other issues. Both men and women should perform a BSE at least once per month. Should a lump or other symptom be found, you should consult a doctor.
As for regular checkups, women aged 20-40 should have a full breast checkup at least once every 3 years. Women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram at least once per year. Women in high risk groups may want to have more regular checkups.
Professional Breast Examinations in NYC
If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor immediately. Remember, time is of the essence and if the cancer is diagnosed while still in an early stage, your prognosis is much better.
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